0493 250 409
109 Argyle St, Traralgon
2025 Enrolment Details
Dancer Details
Class Selection
Please provide class name, day and time
Medical History
Please provide dances medical details below
Additional Details
If you selected yes for any of the above please provide any necessary details below
1. In the event of non payment of your fees, your membership will be terminated and your child's place given away. Please see the Director to discuss options if you are having financial difficulties.
2. In the event of any injury or illness to my child, I authorise the supervisors to apply or arrange first aid. I will pay all medical expenses incurred on behalf of my child.
3. I agree to release Danceworks 114 from any liability to my child or myself in relation to any injury or illness that my child may suffer, and for loss or damage to property, in connection with the activities, except to the extent that the liability arises as a result of the negligence of Danceworks114.
4. I understand that once fees have been paid they cannot be refunded.
5. I understand that Danceworks 114 is not a childcare service and is not responsible once the child has left/ finished their classes and/or the premises.
6. I understand that any customer or dancer must agree to abide by any mandates/directions in place by the Victorian Government if/when applicable.
7. I understand that the teachers may wish to record images of the class, including images of children participating in activities. These images may be used in publications, events, promotional broadcasts, and websites in any form of media. This will also allow parents to have a visual image of their children’s progress.
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